27 Jul, 2021 | News, Trends
TPM 50th Anniversary TPM Journey: Tetra Pak Mr. Paulo Picca, Vice President, Processing Solutions and Equipment Production at Tetra Pak, talks about TPM journey of Tetra Pak.
27 Jul, 2021 | News, Trends
TPM 50 Anniversary Message Stephen Fletcher (former Unilever Mfg. Excellence Director) Mr. Stephen Fletcher, former Global Manufacturing Excellence Director at Unilever, talks about Unilever’s successful TPM history.
20 Feb, 2019 | Business development, Columns, Japan, News, Supply Chain Management, Trends
Environmental management and the eco-sustainability of industrial policies were common practice in Japan when – in 2004, JMAC published in Italian the book by Akira Koudate “Eco-Eco Management – sinergia tra Ecologia ed Economia nell’impresa” (Eco-Eco...
7 Feb, 2019 | Business development, Columns, Japan, Lean Sales, Lean Services, News, R&D, Strategy, Trends
On the wave of the “servitization” that crosses and affects the whole world, the most recent trend marked by the moves of some of the most famous Japanese manufacturing companies is the activation of subscription services. Many are launching structured...